This logo that we use for the J-Dream team was originally used for the projects and activities held for the commemoration of 400 years of relations between the Netherlands and Japan in the year 2000, so not only does it represent the improvement of football skills, but it is also surely a perfect logo for our organization, one of whose important goals is to conduct international exchange with the people of the Netherlands.
We have been using this logo with great care since in the spring of 2002.
This commemorative logo was designed through the medium of the internet by a Dutch designer, Ms. Anne Stienstra and a Japanese designer, Mr. Daizaburo Murai.
Two flags, two countries. The fan shape represents Japan and the fan-shaped island of Dejima inside this represents the Netherlands. Japan is situated to the south-east of the Netherlands and the Netherlands is situated to the north-west of Japan.
The ship with two sails represents both countries.
The uppermost section represents the flags while the line in the lower section represents the water line.
The number 400 represents 400 years of relations between Japan and the Netherlands.
Dit logo werd - via Internet - gezamenlijk ontwikkeld door de Nederlandse ontwerper
Mevrouw Anne Stienstra en de Japanse ontwerper Meneer Daisaburo Murai.
Twee vlaggen, twee landen. De waaiervorm van het logo is symbool voor
Japan en het waaiervormige Dejima staat voor Nederland. Japan, ten zuidoosten
van Nederland en Nederland ten noordwesten van Japan.
Een schip met twee dwarsgetuigde zeilen, twee naties tezamen.
Een vlag in top; een waterlijn ter onderstreping.
Het getal 400 staat voor vierhonderd jaar Nederlands-Japanse betrekkingen